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I would like to thank to the festival organizers for the great hospitality. Also thanks all participating restaurants… The smiling staff was attentive although the festival was crowded. I look forward to attending next year. It was also great to watch Bosphorus view from Esma Sultan Mansion! .

Food Festival, offered a number of dining options and world cuisine and gourmet delicacies (gurme lezzetler)

There were many good “food stands” such as “Topaz Restaurant”, “Shangri La Bosphorus”, Develi Restaurant, …


Below, I would like to introduce to the most popular restaurants and their foods and desserts…


Four Seasons Hotel İstanbul at Sultanahmet

Four Seasons Hotel İstanbul at the Bosphorus


Edible soil – Personalized food by Executive Chef: Savaş Aydemir

İngredients: Apple puree, duck confit, mushroom potato (Duck meat mixed with potato soil) Following It is served with diced apples.

Yenilebilir toprak
İçindekiler: Elma püresi, Ördek Confit, mantar patates (Ördek eti patates toprağıyla karıştırılıyor. Sonrasında elma parçaları ile servis ediliyor)


This is not real soil. Definition: soil is a food prepared by mashing potatoes.


Veal Tournedos- Personalized food by Executive Chef Italian,Sebastiano Spriveri

İngredients: Tournedos sauce, seared veal, caper flower, grass sprouts, tomato concasse
İçindekiler : Tournedos sos, krutulmuş dana eti, Kapariçiçeği, Çim filizleri, kabuksuz ve çekirdeksiz küp küp doğranmış domates


Four Seasons Hotel, Celebrity Chefs showed Creative thinking skills and Culinary Arts. I enjoyed trying different flavors ! The foods were delicious !



Ferah Feza

Baked goat cheese in phyllo pastry (Yufkada ızgara keçi peyniri)

İngredients: Toasted sesame seeds,yapıncak grape molesses (Kavrulmuş susam,Kınalı yapıncak pekmezi)

Pistaccio crusted salmon (Antep fıstıklı somon)

İngredients: Citrus Tabbouleh (Narenciye Tabule)

Tabbouleh definition : Middle Eastern Cookery. A salad of fine ground bulgur,parsley,tomatoes,green onions,mint olive oil,and lemon juice.



The owner of  both Leb-i Derya Restaurant  and Ferahfeza restaurant  facing the Bosphorus. You should definitely go !

Sea bass (Levrek) as usual, Excellent flavors!



Kydonia is an Agean fish restaurant and cooking styles from the island of Cretan

7 Herbed Hash Browns, made with Aegean herbs

7 Otlu Mücver, Ege otlarından yapılmış
Crete Puree, İngredients : Ezine Sheep’s Cheese, almond, nut, olive oil and mild cream cheese
Girit Ezme, İçindeki malzemeler: Ezine koyun peyniri,badem,fındık,zeytinyağı ve labne peyniri

You Should Definitely Visit ! when you come to the İstanbul.


Nu People

Sliced cold meat, poultry and seafoods served with four sauces.

Smoked duck breast(Füme ördek ğöğsü), Smoked Loin of Lamb (Füme kuzu sırtı), Smoked Salmon (Füme Somon), Smoked entrecote (Füme antrikot)


Pumpkin Chutney (Balkabağı Chuthey), Pear Chutney (Armut Chutney), Fresh spicy cream cheese (Taze baharatlı krem peyniri), Apricot and raspberry (Kayısı ve frambuaz Chutney)

Delicious & Appetizing Cold meats, poultries and seafoods and Refreshing Cocktails


Virginia Angus

Angus who offers delicious meat and hamburger to his guests is producing all the meat products in his farm. The tasty meat and meat products makes long guest queues in the restaurant.

It was delicious and I enjoyed every bite!  Superb !!


Trattoria Enzo

Italian restaurant offered two desserts at food festival

Tiramisu is a popular italian dessert.

Cannoli are italian pastry desserts. İngredients: filled with powdered sugar, ricotto cheese,pistachio,

Cannoli italyan tatlıları. İçindekiler: Pudra şekeri, Ricotto peyniri, yeşil fıstık ile doldurulmuş


Sur Balık Arnavutköy Restaurant http://www.surbalikarnavutkö

I would definitely recommend “Seafoods Paella” at this restaurant….

I enjoyed an awesome tasting ! You should definitely taste.


Antakya Mutfağı (Antakya Kitchen) İstanbul http://www.antakya mutfağ

Meatball (İçli Köfte) Dish made of bulgur (cracked wheat) balls stuffed with minced onions and herbs and ground red meat.

Pepper flatbread (BiberliEkmek) toppings with red pepper sauce, pomegranate syrup, walnuts, olive oil, tahini, cumin, garlic, green onion, tomatoes.( Üst malzemeler: Biber salçası, nar ekşisi, ceviz, zeytinyağı, tahin, kimyon, sarımsak taze soğan, domates)


Province Antakya, “Anadolu Restaurant” (Mediterranean Cuisine) : I also definitely suggest you to go there. You’ll find the real taste of Hatay cuisine. ... Pepper bread (biberli ekmek) and stuffed meatballs (içli köfte) and lambkebab (kağıt kebabı) and countless delicacies are delicious and everyone loves it !!!


Renaissance İstanbul Bosphorus Hotel

Living Room Bistro, Renaissance İstanbul Bosphorus Hotel participated in festive with delicious chips&dips

They served with  four “dipping sauces”

Salsa Verde (Yeşil Salsa Sos), Homemade BBQ Sauce (Ev yapımı Barbekü Sos), Banana Ketchap ( Muz Ketçap), Yoghurt “Ranch Sauce” (Yoğurtlu”Ranch”Sos)


Fratelli Labufala İtalian cuisine

Chef De Cuisine Barış Aytekin

Bruschetta with Aegean herbs, caramelized onions, tomato, basil, parmesan
Bruschetta, Ege otları,karamelize soğan, domates, fesleğen, parmesan


Cibalikapı Balıkçısı http://www.cibalikapibalikç

Crete Puree (Girit Ezmesi)

Tarama Fish Roe (Tarama Balık yumurtası) Tarama means, fish roe appetizer


Parsifal Restaurant (Vejeteryan vegan)

Vegetarian restaurant (Vejeteryan restaurant)

Vegan bread (Vegan ekmek), Chard Wrap (Pazı Sarma), Mushroom Meatball (Mantar Köftesi)

Notes: Vegetarians is a person who eats no meat but eat dairy products. Vegan is a person who eats no animal products


Gaya Restaurant

Gimbap or kimbap is a popular Korean fast food. It is similar to Japanese sushi rolls. “bap” meaning “rice”

Gimbap veya kimbap Kore’nin en meşhur fast-food u. Japonların Sushi’sine benzerdir.

Jap Chae, Korean dish made from sweet potato noodles. This dish was served at Korean with seasonal vegetables. It was also served meats or seafoods and sweetened soy sauce

Jap Chae, tatlı patates makarnasından yapılmış Kore yemeğidir. Kore’de bu yemek mevsime uygun sebzeler ile servis edilir Bazen de et veya deniz ürünleri ve tatlandırılmış soya sosu ile servis edilir.


Morini Restaurant

Cocktail with ginger was great ! …



They participated with  Fruit Cocktails …


Avantgarde Collection , Ace Restaurant&Lounge
Best dining places at Levent and Karaköy

Creme Brulee with Pumpkin (Balkabaklı Creme Brulee)

Grouper Schnitzel (Lagos Schnitzel)

Tony Soprano  İngredients: Homemade Pasta Papardella, fine meat, cherry tomatoes, pitted black olives, fresh basil, fresh savoury, garlic, parmesan cheese, salt,pepper

Tony Soprano   Malzemeler: Ev yapımı Papardella Makarna, köftelik kıyma, kiraz domates,çekirdeksiz siyah zeytin, taze fesleğen, taze kekik, sarımsak, parmesan peyniri, tuz, karabiber)


Concept Team Catering

They offered Tuzla, Sea Bass (Tuzla, Levrek) and Bread with olives (Zeytinli ekmek)


İmren Marmara

Turkey’s most exclusive Seafood İmporters. Such as salmon and oyster bar.

The people like eating raw oysters !


Carelian Caviar

Producer of Carelian Caviar who acquired Roe from Savonia region of Finland, offers gourmet delicacies

Finlandiya’nın Savonya bölgesinden balık yumurtası elde eden Üretici Carelian Caviar, gurme lezzetler sunuyor.


Divan Patisserie

Divan is one of the most popular pastry shops. Lots of people like this Hotel&Patisserie&Restaurant

I took appetising photos from pastry stand !

Rococo (rokoko), Macaroon (makaron veya acıbadem kurabiyesi), Strawberry Pie (çilek tart), Mosaic (mozaik), Profiterol, …

Every bite was scrumptious !


Gezi İstanbul http://www.gezi

Appetising Chocolates ! …

My favorite chocolates !

Bitter chocolate with Brandy (Konyaklı bitter çikolata)
Caramelized chocolate with pistachio (Karamelize fıstıklı çikolata)



Brownies were  famous


Hacıbekir http://www.hacı

They participated with turkish delight and coffee and lots of confectionery.

I’ve had Mastic and walnut turkish delight (sakızlı ve cevizli lokum) It was the most fabulous turkish delight I have ever tasted !

They also offered Creamy turkish delight (Kaymaklı lokum) , Creamy and cinamon turkish delight (Tarçınlı ve kaymaklı lokum)

Demirhindi Ottoman Coffee (Demirhindi kahve) was offered. There was tamarindo in coffee (İçinde Hint hurması var) I have heard that Demirhindi coffee has many health benefits



Surprise your loved ones with scrumptious Turkish Delight bouquet !

Confectioner and “Ud” (lute) player Cemil Bey started his confectionary business in İstanbul. They offer you “Creamy Turkish delights” (kaymaklı okum)


Gıano Chocolate

Handmade chocolates are prepared without additive.

Chocolates with Mint lemon, Roquefort cheese, Caramel with sea salt, Viski …

Çikolatalar ; Nane Limon, Rokfor Peynir, Deniz tuzlu karamel, Viski,…

I very much enjoyed the chocolates … Especially the Viski !


Baylan Pastanesi

The  owner of Baylan, Harry Lenas, is the elder son of Philip Lenas.

Harry Lenas  received training in Vienna Pastry school …Baylan, Istanbul’s oldest patisserie has European style cakes and confectionery

Famous dessert “Küp Griye” from Baylan Patisserie.

Baylan’s Kup griye İngredients : vanilla ice cream, caramel sauce, ground pistachio, almonds
İçindeki malzemeler: Vanilyalı dondurma (veya karamelli dondurma) karamel sos,öğütülmüş fıstık ve badem ile


Good Flavor Stops !!!

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